Search Irony for Brandable Domains and How to Improve?

SEO has become a billion-dollar industry because companies want to achieve the high-ranking goal in organic search results. ‘Keyword stuffing’ concept was a popular SEO strategy employed in the past. The websites were filled with plenty of targeted keywords to trick search engines and gain top rankings.

Today, search engines have gone smart making this ancient practice obsolete and risky. Search engines use the ‘Semantic Search’ concept, where actual keywords are less important but more focus is on search intent’s contextual relevance.

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Search irony for brandable domains

Finding the correct domain names is also challenging as it plays a role in search engine queries. Rich industry keywords domains take top rankings across every sector. For brandable domains, a buyer searches for big ideas like ‘Reliable’ or an extensive keyword like ‘Health’. If these precise keywords are included in your domain then it has the power to rank high organically on search results.

Nevertheless, there is an irony attached. Many buyers look for broad industry-related keywords but don’t wish to incorporate them in the name. It is illogical to use words like ‘retail’ or ‘online’ for an ‘online retailer’ as it is a broad keyword that can be interpreted differently. For example, if you seek for ‘names associated with tourism’ the search algorithm will interpret it as ‘names containing tourism’.

Industry-related keywords are not bad but need proper use – for example, PayPal, FitBit, and ModCloth are solid brand domains. is an unappealing and poor choice for the domain name but choose as clothing or fashion brand. Industry-rich keywords need to have synergetic combinations to help you build a compelling brand.

How to enhance visibility for brandable domains?

To improve brandable domain visibility some changes need to be made by the marketplace, domain registrars, and domain investors.

• The marketplace needs to evolve beyond traditional keyword search visibility to contextual discovery.• Domain registrars need to invest in AI and contextual signals that can help buyers find domains based on intent instead of specific keywords. Check word associations and other signals and build a cluster of similar names and buyers. For example, names like ‘Romancio’, ‘CupidMile’ or ‘LoveConnect’ can be associated with customers looking for names relevant to ‘Dating’. It does not have the keyword ‘dating’ but is relevant.
• Domain investors must produce brandable domains adding root words, description, and associated category. In this way, they will train the marketplace algorithm for contextual or relevancy search. It will enhance the chances of brandable domain names to reveal before relevant seekers.
• If you ignore producing brandable domains then you are disallowing your portfolio to be sold at its fullest potential.
High-quality brandable domains are there in millions waiting to be found. It will need a collective effort from the marketplace, domain registrars, and domain investors to seek them out and offer the rightfully deserved exposure.